Positive, result-oriented with more than 20 years of experience in project management, on-line and offline sales and marketing, have strong problem-solving skills, great imagination, and creative, big-picture thinking.... Proven power to turn ideas into profit and where others see problems, I see solutions.
I’m a people-person. I like to talk things through. This has shaped my style as a leader and team member since day one.
Built and managed my first online store with Sport Equipment in 2004. In less than half a Year there were more than 1.000 items in its portfolio. In following years I took part in different projects, in different Industries, mostly connected to establishing online sales channels and to online sales itself.
In May 2015 joined Spar Slovenia as a project Manager with a “simple” goal: Establish online Grocery sales. After launch of SPAR Online in 2018 became Head of Online Sales. Since then our Online service received Web Retailer of the Year award (2x) and became the market leader with biggest market share when it comes to Online Grocery sales. Personally responsible for optimising Online logistics and order preparation processes, thus making our Online Grocery model profitable - a rare case in a world of online Grocery!